Python 3.x Programming

Python 3.x Programming By Kamal Sir

Lecture Organization: 50 hours of Programming Concepts & Coding

Practical’s: Every Lecture on your own laptop

Study Material: Programming Book & 1 DVD (Software & EBooks)


1) Certificate of Completion – for all students at the end of the course.

2) Certificate of Appreciation – for those who clear class test.

3) Letter of Internship – for those who submit the completed project.

Python 3.x Course Outline by Kamal Sir

Module 1 Introduction

Python Introduction, History, Features, Working and Python Program Development.

Module 2 Fundamentals

Comments, Keywords, Identifier, Data types & Variables. Number type.

Module 3 Input and Output

print() function, various parameters of print(), input(). Data type conversion: int(), float() Command Line Arguments: access and use.

Module 4 Operators

Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Boolean, Bitwise and Operator Hierarchy.

Module 5 Selection Statements

if, if-else and if-elif statements.

Module 6 Repetition and Jump Statements

while, for , break and continue.

Module 7 Array and String

Defining Array, Array operations. String, String operations and String functions.

Module 8 Functions

Defining and Calling function, Actual and Formal Parameters.

Positional Parameter, Keyword Parameter, Default Values and Varargs.

Function Overloading and Nested Functions.

Module 9 Data types

List, Tuple, Set, FrozenSet and Dictionary.

Module 10 Classes and Objects

Defining Class, Defining Object, instance variable, class variable, instance methods, Accessor methods,
Mutator methods, constructor - __init__(), static method and class method. Nested Classes.

Module 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism

Inheritance and its Types. Polymorphism - Method Overloading, Method Overriding, Operator Overloading. Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Module 12 Exception Handling

Error, Exception and Exception Handling.

try-except, try-with multiple except, try with multi except, try-finally, try-else, try-except-else-finally. Assert statement.

Module 13 Files

File, File Functions, Working with text file and binary files.

Pickle and unpickle, zip and unzip. Working with directories.

Module 14 Threads

Defining and Starting Threads. Thread Methods. Locks and Synchronization.

Module 15 Modules and Packages

Creating and importing Modules. Creating packages.

Module 16 Tkinter

Gui basics, Gui Widgets, Geometry and Event Handling.

Module 17 Database Connectivity

Database basics, CRUD operations and Transactions.

Module 18 Project


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